
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Follow Me on Twitter

This year my schedule is a little busier than usual. I'm teaching an extra class so I'm now teaching 5 Physics classes and 1 AP Physics class. I'm also teaching an EMS Instructor program (8 x 8hr Saturdays) and I just started my second Master's Degree (Educational Leadership). My first Master's is in Educational Technology Integration.

The result is that I'm posting to the blog less often. But, I do Tweet out a lot of links, resources, and tips. So, follow my blog, and follow me on Twitter. @daveandcori.

I also post a list of what I've tweeted here on the blog as a sort of summary.

If you can't get Twitter at school because it's blocked (like me). Here's a work around. Use TwitterGadget.

Thanks for following me and being part of my PLN.