
Thursday, April 7, 2011

AVG launches file sync, backup, and share system called LiveKive

AVG, the company that brings us free Antivirus software, has just announced the release of their own file sync, backup, and sharing service called LiveKive.

LiveKive is similar to other services like Dropbox, Sugarsync, and Zumodrive. It allows you to store, sync, and share files through their cloud service and is accessible from Windows, Mac, and mobile browsers. Automatic file sync is available for Windows and Mac platforms.

The free account gives you 5GB of storage and you can upgrade to 25GB for $49.99 per year or unlimited storage (with some restrictions) for $79.99 per year.

Like the Dropbox, Sugarsync, and Zumodrive, LiveKive is another great resource for teachers and students, providing file backup, syncing across multiple computers, and the ability to share files with others.

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