
Friday, December 9, 2011

Adobe - no more mobile Flash, but lots of mobile apps for Adobe products

Adobe has recently launched some new products: The Adobe Digital Schools Collection, Android apps, and 6 Touch Apps for Android Tablets. Adobe Touch Apps.

As some of you may heard, Adobe will not be developing Flash for Mobile Browsers anymore. However, Flash content will be accessible through Adobe apps. Adobe is moving towards mobile apps and HTML instead of mobile browser Flash. 

There are a variety of Apps for iOS, Android, and Blackberry available, including Reader, Air, Create PDF, Photoshop Express, and Adobe Ideas.

You can find the Android apps here.  

Adobe also launched six touch apps for Android tablets: Adobe Photoshop® Touch for image editing; Adobe Collage for moodboards; Adobe Debut for presenting and reviewing creative work; Adobe Ideas for sketching; Adobe Kuler® for exploring color themes; and Adobe Proto for website and mobile app prototyping.

Check out all these mobile apps and see what you can use in your classrooms.