
Friday, March 9, 2012

Digital Wish launched Apps Center to help teachers find best educ Android apps

Digital Wish, an organization that helps educators find and fund resources , has just launched the Digital Wish Apps Center. The Apps center was created to help teachers identify the best educational Android apps for the classroom. There are hundreds of apps listed and educators can search by grade level, subject, free vs. paid, and ratings from other educators. The apps have been screened by Digital Wish staff to make sure that they are appropriate for K-12 students.

This is a great resource to find educational apps to use in the classroom. Check it out:

Here are some of the physics apps:


Android for Education Apps and Resources. - collection of great Android apps for education and some great Android resources 

Android Smartphone and Apps I use as an educator

Android news, resources, app reviews and more

Why I use Google’s apps as an Educator

Android 4 Schools - app reviews, tips and more for using Android in education

11 Awesome Apps to Try on your Android Device

101 Best Android Apps in Education