
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mission Biotech - free, educational science video game


Mission Biotech is a free, immersive computer game that has students solve challenging problems in biotechnology. It is part of the OUTBREAK project funded by the National Science Foundation.

The game is an interesting and fun virtual environment, first person adventure game using 3D graphics. It takes place in the virtual National Laboratory for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (NLBB). Players are biotechnologists and have to diagnose a deadly virus that is turning into a pandemic. The game progresses with students learning new things to complete the game and mini-games, learning science and simulated biotechnology techniques. The students extract nucleic acids, conduct polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and analyze their results, just like a real scientist would.

There is a page for teachers that has instructions on how to get their class started use the game. By signing up as a teacher, you will gain access to curriculum and lesson materials and be able to track your students' progress in the game.

This is a great, fun, interactive way for students to learn and apply what they have learned. They learn and use biology skills and knowledge, analysis, critical thinking, and problem solving.


Mission Biotech - gaming for learning: 


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35 Educational Games and Resources