
Friday, April 13, 2012

Edcamp Livebinder - info, resources, links and descriptions


Edcamp is a great series of free, unconferences for educators. The Edcamp model is unique in that attendees set the agenda the morning of the conference and the sessions are not led by one person, but are rather a collaboration of both the facilitator and attendees.

Carolyn Jo Starkey has created an excellent Livebinder about Edcamp.

In the Livebinder, she has binders on what Edcamp is, how to plan one, how to finance one, presentations about and from Edcamps, participant feedback and links to articles, blogs, and webpages about Edcamp and improving professional development for teachers. It's a great resource for anyone wondering about, attending, or planning an Edcamp (or other PD ).

Upcoming Edcamps:

April 14, 2012 edcamp Vermont
April 19, 2012 edcamp LuleƄ
April 21, 2012 edcamp COEDTech
April 21, 2012 edcamp NC
April 28, 2012 edcamp Boston
April 28, 2012 edcamp Denver
April 28, 2012 edcamp Prince George
May 3, 2012 Upper Valley edcamp
May 5, 2012 edcamp Bham
May 5, 2012 edcamp Detroit
May 5, 2012 edcamp NYC
May 6, 2012 edcamp Saskatoon
May 12, 2012 edcamp Milwaukee
May 12, 2012 edcamp Okanagan
May 12, 2012 edcamp Wine Country
May 19, 2012 edcamp Philly


Social Learning Summit - free virtual conference April 21, 2012

Professional Development for Educators needs to change

Professional Development Sourcebook - free PD resources for teachers

11 steps to planning Professional Development

Discouraged by colleagues who won't go to PD without CEUs.

Jason T. Bedell - Professional Development 2.0