
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Mini-Page Archive - great resource for education

The Mini Page Archive

Many of us remember the Mini-Page - the educational, fun-to-read insert in many newspapers. There is an online archive of the Mini-Page from 1969-2007. The Mini-Page was a four-page weekly feature that covered a different topic each week with puzzles, articles, pictures, and more. It is great for younger students, but can be used for all ages.

The site allows you to search by date, title, topics, people, places and keyword. Each issue is excellent with lots of great resources, activities, and more. The older editions are still useful and you could even make a class project where students pick an old issue and see what has changed about that topic since then.

Check it out!

Copyright notice:
This archive is intended for use by teachers, students, children, parents, home schoolers and the general public for nonprofit educational research/teaching/scholarship purposes only. In other words, teachers can use it in their classroom.