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Thursday, May 17, 2012
Udemy - take or create your own online course
Udemy is a site that enables anyone to take and build courses online. It is free to sign up and there are both free and paid courses available. You can also create your own online course on the site.
It's very easy to use, and there are some great features. You pick a subject, title the course and describe it, upload videos, audio files, PowerPoints, PDF files, documents and more, import media, organize everything with a drag-and-drop interface and then publish the course. There are social media widgets and you can interact with students through a discussion board on the class.
Topics for courses include: technology, business, design, social sciences, math, science, humanities, arts and much more.
This is a great resource for finding courses to learn something new, review material, or to create an online course for your students. Students could also use it to create a short course as a class project.