
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Prezi - the zooming presentation tool - gets mobile presenting features

Prezi is a very cool presentation tool that allows you to create zooming presentations with images, text, video and animations. It has a thriving educational community and is easy to use.

Prezi has just announced Mobile Presenting. With this, you can deliver and watch the presentations in real time. It is currently only available on iOS and web (ie laptops), but I'd imagine the feature will come to Android soon.

Your audience (students) can follow along on their own device and stay in sync with where you are in the presentation. You can share with up to 30 people at a time and it is as simple as selecting "present remotely" and sharing the link it generates.

I use Prezi for certain presentations. I like it because I can be more creative than with PowerPoint or Google Slides for some things.