Quizlet is another site that allows students to search for already study aids and flashcards or create their own. There are over 10 million free sets of flashcards available on the site, in addition to educational games.
Topics include science, math, geography, history, languages, art, standardized tests, professional careers, and more.
Teachers can also use Quizlet to create study materials students can use in the classroom or at home
Quizlet has mobile apps for iPhone or iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Kindle Fire, and Nook
StudyStack - free site to create flashcards and other study aids
StudyBlue - create and share flashcards, quizzes, and study guides
zen.do - free tool to take notes and turn them into flashcards
Wordstash - digital flashcards
Braineos - Flashcard games to make your brain happy!
Student Study and Help Sites
Gooru - online study tool with great resources
Thinkbinder - free way to create online study groups with lots of features