Picnik, Flickr's default photo editor, is shutting down this month. Aviary has come to the rescue though, launching an HTML5 based online photo editor into Flickr.
Aviary is a great resource, having online photo and graphics editors, audio editors, web page screen shot extensions and more.
Aviary's photo editor is in the "Actions" menu on Flickr and is easy to use. It is being rolled out over the next few weeks. It's fast, easy to use, powerful, and available on mobile and iOS devices since it is HTML5 based, not Flash.
If you use Flickr, this will be a great resource for you.
See the Related links below for other free image and photo editing services.
Source: TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com
PicMonkey - free online photo editing (from some of the same people who made Picnik)