The PBS-Google #MyZeitgeist contest, powered by Meograph's new mobile app Trio, is now open. Students pick the most important events of 2014, mashup pics/GIFs/music/video (including PBS NewsHour clips), and share with their classmates. It gets students interested about the news while having fun creating 20 second media mashups. Winners get a Google Nexus tablet, gift cards, and national recognition!

Its easy to do: from an iPhone or iPad, search “Trio mashup” in the App Store, or visit www.trioapp.co in the mobile browser. "#MyZeitgeist 2014" will be the top choice in the Challenge tab (lightbulb icon), and tap Accept to get started. It's very intuitive, and fun to watch all the other entries. Here's an example and a tutorial.
Contest deadline is Dec 12.