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Monday, January 16, 2012
National Engineers Week Feb 19-25 - great resource for educators
National Engineers Week is February 19 - 25, 2012. This is a great time to expose students to engineering as a career and to incorporate engineering ideas and projects in your classes.
The National Engineers Week web site has resources for educators to use including lesson ideas, types of engineering, and much more. It's also a great resource for teachers to use all year long for STEM subjects.
The site also has information for engineers looking to get involved in spreading the word, including having them contact local schools to volunteer to come in and talk to the students about being an engineer. As educators, this is a great idea for us also. Bring in guest speakers to your classes to talk to the students.
Share the great opportunities and career that is engineering with your students. (I'm a little biased having been an Aerospace Engineer for 10 years before becoming an educator).
This falls on our February vacation week so I'm going to introduce it the week before and give them some interesting research to do over the break on a project we'll be doing in Physics class.
STEM Resources for Educators