Schools are always looking for ways to find funding for projects, especially for technology. Here are some great resources that I have used in the past.

1. Edutopia - The Big List of Educational Grants and Resources - Get a roundup of educational grants, contests, awards, free toolkits, and classroom guides aimed at helping students, classrooms, schools, and communities. Check this page weekly to get the latest updates!

2. GetEdFunding - GetEdFunding is a free and fresh grant-finding resource, dedicated to helping educators and institutions identify the funding they need in budget-tight times.

3. Lowe’s Toolbox for Education

4. Toshiba America Foundation grants – K-5 and 6-12 -

5. Device Grant Listed (list maintained by Google, has a lot of different grants listed)

6. THE Journal K-12 Grant Opportunities and Ed Tech Event Listings

7. Edsurge - Where to Find Money for Your School's EdTech Purchases
More resources:
- Federal grants from various agencies are listed at
- State and local grant opportunities can often be identified by state legislative offices.
- Micro-funding through school- and classroom-specific grants can yield substantial results. Often donors are willing to fund projects whose impact they can directly observe. Such organizations as Donors Choose, Class Wish, and Adopt-a-Classroom facilitate individual donations.
- Contact local businesses to see what programs they have available to support schools.
Don't be scared to apply for a grant - you may just get it!
Good luck and happy hunting.